6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Plenty of Water

Water is an essential nutrient our body depends upon for optimal health and fitness. It keeps us hydrated and assists with vital processes at every level of functioning in the human body.

If you’re physically active, research has shown that water is the most important nutrient in sports nutrition. Here are some of the key reasons why you need to stay hydrated—even if you aren’t an athlete.The Health Benefits of Water1

Water Is an Essential Nutrient

Runner drinking from water bottle
Stanislaw Pytel / Getty Images

The human body is made up of over 60 percent water. Research continues to report positive findings on why drinking plenty of water every day is essential to good health. 

Our bodies need water to maintain hydration, digestive, heart, and lung function, joint lubrication, protection of tissues, regulation of body temperature, and much more.

Water can be considered our lifeline and its health benefits are endless. It keeps us feeling, functioning, and even looking our best.1https://988a6a0566be6f40e3a2d99a244869a6.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html2

Water Helps With Weight Loss

Some studies suggest that increasing your water may help in the weight loss process, especially when consumed instead of other high-calorie beverages. Replacing calorie-sweetened beverages with water can result in weight loss as well by reducing overall calorie intake.2

Drinking a glass of water before a meal has shown to decrease appetite3, aid in digestion and boost metabolism.4

People often confuse thirst for hunger, which can promote weight gain. Proper hydration has been linked to better portion control and improved weight loss results.2How Water Boosts Weight Loss

Nutrition experts often recommend assessing your fluid intake if you are feeling fatigued. Inadequate hydration can lead to feelings of tiredness and fatigue.5 A simple test for dehydration versus hunger has shown to help with portion control. 

Drinking water throughout the day can also reduce the desire to consume sugar sodas or juices.

A study on water-induced thermogenesis demonstrated that drinking cold water increases energy expenditure in the body. The increase in energy appears to be created by the body’s effort to warm the water up to body temperature.2 This theory would help explain the boost to metabolism and increased weight loss. 

But keep in mind that the study had substantial limitations and this is not a magical way to lose weight. This study only included 50 girls for a short amount of time (8 weeks). More research is needed to confirm this theory.Why Drinking Cold Water Burns More Calorieshttps://988a6a0566be6f40e3a2d99a244869a6.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html3

Water Reduces Belly Bloat

Holding water or feeling bloated can feel uncomfortable. It’s typically caused by poor digestion, increased sodium intake, and is also associated with fluctuations in hormones related to the menstrual cycle.

Many people believe that if they are bloated they should avoid drinking water, but for those people without pre-existing health conditions this is usually not the case. Keep in mind that there is a difference between occasional bloating and chronic water retention which can be a sign of kidney problems or other health issues. Speak to your healthcare provider if you are bloated often or if you are concerned.

Retaining water is the body’s natural protective measure to prevent dehydration. If you’re bloated, it’s not the time to hold back on drinking fluids.

Water is a natural remedy to reduce bloating. Drinking plenty throughout the day jump starts the flushing process. Also, adequate fluid intake is one type of remedy for reducing constipation. Regular bowel movements can also help reduce bloating.Is Carbonated Water Healthy?

Drinking more water will reduce the amount of retained salt. It also lubricates the colon which will hasten the elimination of belly-bloating foods.  4

Water Assists Digestion

Should You Drink Water During a Workout? | ClassPass Blog

Insufficient fluid intake can affect your digestion and contribute to constipation. To keep things moving at a regular and comfortable pace, be sure you’re drinking enough water.

The water from what you eat and drink binds to soluble fiber which helps to increase stool bulk and softens stool, making it easier for you to eliminate waste.

When there isn’t enough fluid for these tasks, the body pulls water from stool, leading to symptoms of constipation.

Drinking plenty of water helps prevent constipation, promotes healthy digestion, flushes toxins, and eases the burden on the kidneys and liver.5

Water Keeps Our Skin Healthy

Do you suffer from dry and lifeless skin? You might need to drink more water. Clear skin starts from within and benefits from proper hydration.

The body loses water through sweat—especially during a workout and in hot environmental conditions. Drinking water ensures rehydration and replenishment of the natural lubrication to our skin.

Your skin loves moisture. Drinking plenty of water helps restore suppleness and eliminates dryness.

Using lotion to help moisten your skin is fine too, but drinking water remains the primary way to maintain well-hydrated skin.66

How Much Water Should I Drink?

6 Easy Ways To Feel Less Thirsty While Fasting | ExpatWomanFood.com

Our water requirements are met through what and how much we drink, as well as a small amount from the food we eat. Water requirements differ from one person to the next based on age, environment, and activity levels. Are You Drinking Enough Water?

The Food and Nutrition Board released new dietary reference intakes for water stating: “It is recommended that women consume 2.7 liters (91 oz.) daily and men consume 3.7 liters (125 oz.) through various beverages (80%) or in food (20%).”

We lose water as part of normal bodily functions like sweating, breathing, and going to the bathroom. If we are physically active, in a hot climate, running a fever, or have symptoms like diarrhea or vomiting, even more fluid is lost.  

All water loss needs to be replaced to keep your body healthy and hydrated. Not sure if you’re drinking enough every day? Check the color of your pee. Healthy urine is fairly clear and is a good indicator that you’re drinking plenty of water.

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